Good and well

The words good and well are often confused. Good is an adjective. It is used to modify a noun. Well is an adverb. It is used to modify a verb.

Both well and good have the same comparative and superlative forms.

Complete the following sentences using good or well.

1. That was a ………………….. movie.

Correct! Wrong!

2. The steak smells ……………….

Correct! Wrong!

3. He is doing ……………… in his studies.

Correct! Wrong!

4. The proposal sounds ……………….. to me.

Correct! Wrong!

5. That necklace looks …………………. on you.

Correct! Wrong!

6. I don’t have a ……………… opinion about him.

Correct! Wrong!

7. She speaks English very …………….

Correct! Wrong!

8. The performance was remarkably ………………..

Correct! Wrong!

9. She performed remarkably ………………..

Correct! Wrong!

10. She gave me some ……………….. advice.

Correct! Wrong! Play Again!


1. That was a good movie.

2. The steak smells good.

3. He is doing well in his studies.

4. The proposal sounds good to me. (Here good modifies the copular verb sounds.)

5. That necklace looks good on you.

6. I don’t have a good opinion about him.

7. She speaks English very well.

8. The performance was remarkably good. (Here good modifies the adjective performance.)

9. She performed remarkably well. (Here well modifies the verb performed.)

10. She gave me some good advice.