Top 60 Manual Testing Interview Questions and Answers

If you’re thinking of becoming a manual tester, you’ll have to ensure that you’re knowledgeable about the basics and more advanced concepts. Manual testers will have to prepare well, just like you would for any other interview.

Here we list some of the most common manual testing interview questions. We’ve divided this list into beginner manual testing questions and advanced manual testing questions.

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Top Manual Testing Interview Questions and Answers

Manual Testing Beginner Interview Questions

1. How would you define Manual Testing?

Manual Testing

Software testing is a validation process that makes sure a system works according to business requirements. It evaluates and qualifies a system on various aspects such as accuracy, completeness, usability, and efficiency.

2. What is use-case testing?

"Use case" is used to identify and execute the functional requirement of an application from start to finish, and the technique used to do this is known as "Use Case Testing."

3. What is Static Testing?

Static testing is a white box testing technique that, with the help of a checklist, directs developers to verify their code to find errors in it. Developers can start static testing without finalizing the program or application. Static testing is more cost-effective than dynamic testing as it covers more areas than dynamic testing in a shorter time.

4. What are the various types of manual testing?

In manual testing, the software is tested without any automation tools or scripts. The various types of manual testing are:

5. What is API testing?

API testing is the testing of the Application Programming Interface directly as well as during integration testing to ensure the APIs deliver the required functionality, performance, security, and reliability. The tests are written to check if the API gives correct responses to specific requests. API testing involves unit testing, load testing, functional testing, security testing, penetration testing, Web UI testing, etc.

6. What is the difference between system testing and integration testing?

System Testing

Integration Testing

The whole system is checked as one (end-to-end).

The interfaces between different interconnected systems are checked.

It includes both functional and non-functional testing (usability, performance, etc.).

It checks only the functionality of the integrated components.

Done after integration testing.

Done after the unit testing phase.

The various types are performance testing, usability testing, functional testing, installation testing, security testing, etc.

Some methods or approaches to perform integration testing are top-down, bottom-up, hybrid, and big-bang.

Uses only black-box testing techniques.

Both white-box and black-box techniques are used.

7. What is test closure?

Test closure is a document that details the tests conducted during the entire SDLC, the analysis of the bugs and errors found and corrected, the density of defects, etc. It is a memo that indicates the formal completion of the testing procedure.

8. Explain the pesticide paradox. How do you deal with it?

Pesticide paradox is a phenomenon wherein the more you test your software, the more immune it becomes to your tests. Testers should always look for new strategies, approaches, and test cases to overcome this, for different parts of the same applications, so that they can find bugs.

9. Explain the difference between smoke testing and sanity testing.

Smoke Testing

Sanity Testing

Verifies the basic functionalities and check if the build is working fine and has no errors.

Verifies the newly added functionalities or bug fixes are corrected and working fine.

Done on initial builds, i.e., it is the first check performed once a build is done.

Done on a stable build after smoke testing is successful.

Performed for every build.

Performed on stable builds to check if the old functionality is working after the new changes are done.

10. How do you know when to stop testing?

The most straightforward way would be when no defects are not found in the software. However, it is not possible to have software entirely free of bugs. We can determine the exit criteria for testing based on the deadlines, budget, and the extent of testing performed.

Usually, testers can find most of the major and critical bugs during the first and second weeks of testing. After the third and fourth weeks, minor and cosmetic defects are taken care of, and the application moves into the regression testing phase. Once regression is completed, we can be assured that 99% of test scenarios have been covered, and software is ready to be rolled out.

11. What is configuration management?

Configuration management is a set of management practices, interrelated processes, and tools that help manage work items, and keep them updated and accurate so that they are readily available for all the users involved. It also helps us maintain all the work items in conformation with the requirements of the project and ensures any changes are appropriately documented, evaluated, and implemented after authorization.

12. What is the difference between a test driver and a test stub?

Both driver and stub are types of test harness that are used to provide a simulation environment for testing a module (component). They are not a part of the main software and are used only for testing purposes.

13. What is Data flow Testing?

Data flow testing involves testing various paths in the application workflow to test the sequence of events and the status of variables and data objects at different stages. Through data flow testing, we can identify the variables that are used at every stage of the program’s control flow. This helps us eliminate variables that are declared but never used or vice versa, deallocating variables before using them, or a variable whose value is changed multiple times before being used.

14. What is the difference between retesting and regression testing?


Regression testing

Checks if the previously failed test cases have been fixed and are working fine.

Identifies new issues that may have occurred because of changes to the application functionality or introducing new functionality.

The primary purpose is to ensure the bugs found in a previous build are fixed in the latest one.

The basic purpose is to ensure that the new changes have not affected the existing working functionality.

Retesting affects the application delivery date and is of high priority; it is done before regression testing.

Regression testing is done after all the other testing procedures are complete.

Retesting has to be done manually.

Test cases can be automated, and scripts can be run to test the same functionality again and again.

Only failed test cases are executed.

All the test cases from the start to the end of the application are executed.

15. What is the difference between Static Testing and Dynamic Testing?

On the Basis Of

Static Testing

Dynamic Testing

When To Perform

Testing was done without executing the program

Testing is done by executing the program

What Does it Do

This testing does the verification process

Dynamic testing does the validation process

What is it About

Static testing about preventing defects

Dynamic testing is about fixing and finding the defects

Output Of the Testing

Static testing gives an assessment of documentation and code

Dynamic testing gives bugs in the software system.

What Does it Involve?

Static testing involves a process and checklist to be followed

Dynamic testing involves test cases for execution

When is the Testing Performed w.r.t Compilation

This testing can be performed before the compilation

Dynamic testing is performed after compilation

What does it Cover?

Static testing covers the statement and structural coverage testing

Dynamic testing covers the executable file of the code

Cost of Finding Defects

Cost of finding defects and fixing is less

Cost of finding and fixing defects is high

Return on Investment

Return on investment is high as this process involved at an early stage

Return on investment is low as this process involves after the development phase

16. What is the difference between STLC and SDLC?

STLC deals with the verification and validation of the software while SDLC deals with the development/coding of the software.

17. What is Test coverage?

Test coverage is a quality metric that represents the percentage amount of testing completed for a product. It is relevant for both non-functional and functional testing activities. The metric is used to add missing test cases.

18. Can system testing be done at any stage?

No, we cannot do system testing at any stage, it must start only if all modules work correctly and are in place, but it should be performed before UAT (user acceptance testing).

19. What are the different kinds of software testing?

Manual testers use the following kinds of Software testing: