The procedures prescribed by parts 3801.3660 to 3801.3690 constitute the exclusive administrative remedies for preventing connection or requiring disconnection of the supply of electrical power to a premises.

Statutory Authority:


Published Electronically:

January 21, 2009

3801.3619 DEFINITIONS.

Subpart 1.


For the purposes of part 3801.3620, the terms defined in this part have the meanings given them.

Subp. 2.


"Labeled" has the meaning given in Article 100 of the National Electrical Code.

Subp. 3.


"Listed" has the meaning given in Article 100 of the National Electrical Code.

Subp. 4.

National Electrical Code.

"National Electrical Code" means the National Electrical Code as incorporated by reference in part 1315.0200.

Subp. 5.

Testing laboratory.

"Testing laboratory" means an electrical testing laboratory that has provided a written report to the board showing that it has the facilities listed in Section 90-6 of the National Electrical Code or that is accredited under the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory program.

Statutory Authority:


Published Electronically:

January 21, 2009


Subpart 1.

National standards.

Except as otherwise provided in subpart 2 or 3, as a condition for approval under Minnesota Statutes, section 326B.35, and Section 110-2 of the National Electrical Code, all electrical equipment, including material, fittings, devices, apparatus, fixtures, appliances, and utilization equipment, used as part of, or in connection with, an electrical installation shall be listed and labeled by a testing laboratory.

Subp. 2.

Alternatives to listing and labeling.

With the exception of electrical equipment of types specifically required to be listed by the National Electrical Code, the board shall accept one of the applicable methods described in item A or B as an alternative to listing and labeling.


Evaluation by a testing laboratory or by a registered or licensed electrical engineer who has no financial or other interest in the manufacture or sale of the equipment, provided that any deficiencies identified by the evaluation are corrected and the equipment complies with the listed requirements. A written report of the evaluation shall be submitted directly to the board, and shall state the standards that were applied in the evaluation. Evaluation reports by an electrical engineer acting independently of a testing laboratory shall also include an item-by-item comparison of the equipment with the requirements to be listed. If the board finds that the evaluation or evaluation report is incomplete or inaccurate, it retains the right to require further evidence of compliance or to reject the equipment.

Evaluations conducted according to the procedures in this item shall be considered evidence of compliance of all identical equipment produced by that manufacturer for a period of one year from the time the evaluation was completed, or until the equipment has been listed, whichever is less, provided that the manufacturer has applied for listing of the equipment, or produces fewer than 100 such units per year. Where additional identical equipment will be produced, the manufacturer shall provide the board with a written statement giving the equipment model number and agreeing that all subsequent equipment will be identical to that which was evaluated and, where the equipment has not been submitted for listing, shall also provide a written report to the board 12 months from the date of the evaluation report which lists the serial numbers of the equipment installed in Minnesota over the preceding 12 months.

Where deficiencies are identified by the initial evaluation report, those deficiencies shall be corrected for all subsequent units, the changes shall be verified by the person who performed the initial evaluation, and an amended report shall be submitted to the board. If the manufacturer deviates from the construction established by the evaluation report, the equipment shall be reevaluated and any noncomplying equipment that was sold brought into compliance.

Where the evidence of compliance is an evaluation according to this item, the manufacturer shall affix a durable permanent label to the equipment in a readily visible location, which states: "This equipment is identical to equipment that was evaluated by (name), and found to be in compliance with the requirements to be listed. A copy of the evaluation report was filed with the Minnesota State Board of Electricity on (date)."


Where procedures acceptable to the testing laboratory are followed, a manufacturer of unlisted equipment shall be permitted to submit the equipment to another manufacturer of similar listed equipment for evaluation, correction of noncomplying construction, and labeling.

Subp. 3.

Equipment exempt from listing requirements.

Equipment described in items A to E is exempt from the requirements in subparts 1 and 2.


Industrial machinery as defined by Section 670-2 of the National Electrical Code is not required to be listed where all electrical components of the equipment, including electrical control panels and solid-state motor controls, are in compliance with item B, C, or D, or subpart 1 or 2, and all of the machine electrical wiring is in compliance with the National Electrical Code.


Electrical equipment enclosed in a listed cabinet or box suitable for the environment in which it is installed, and electrically connected only to circuits supplied from listed Class 2, logic level, communications, or other circuits with maximum open circuit voltage of 30 volts rms AC, or DC, and overcurrent protection of eight amperes or less, or to any combination of such circuits, is not required to be listed, provided further that any printed wiring boards shall be of listed material and shall be permitted to be supplied from a labeled microcomputer power supply.


Electrical control equipment constructed according to the listed requirements and enclosed in a listed cabinet or box suitable for the environment in which it is located, where the enclosed equipment consists of eight or fewer listed components, other than wires, cables, cords, terminal assemblies, nonelectrical components, and those covered under item B, provided that the devices are not electrically connected to circuits on a printed wiring board other than those circuits covered under item B, is not required to be listed.


Custom-made electrical equipment or related installations that are designed and manufactured to a purchaser's specifications and are not marketed to the general public are exempt from listing and labeling requirements. Equipment or installations exempt under this item are subject to the following:


they must be determined to be safe for their intended use by the manufacturer on the basis of test data which the purchaser keeps and makes available to the electrical inspection authority having jurisdiction, as required by Code of Federal Regulations, title 29, section 1910.399 (1991), for equipment or installations subject to national occupational safety and health laws; or


they must be inspected by the electrical inspection authority having jurisdiction for compliance with the construction requirements of the applicable electrical standards used by electrical testing laboratories to evaluate the equipment, or the National Electrical Code. Schematic wiring diagrams, component layout diagrams, and component electrical rating information shall be provided to enable evaluation under this subitem.


Utilization equipment as defined by the National Electrical Code is not required to be listed if:


the equipment includes eight or fewer electrical components which are listed or are exempt from listing by item B or C; and


all wiring that is part of the equipment is in compliance with the National Electrical Code.

Statutory Authority:


14 SR 518; 15 SR 1842; 17 SR 139; L 2007 c 140 art 5 s 32; art 13 s 4

Published Electronically:

January 21, 2009


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Where wiring is to be concealed, the inspector must be notified sufficiently in advance to permit completion of a rough-in inspection before concealment, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. In the event wiring is concealed before rough-in inspection without adequate notice having been given to the inspector, the person responsible for having enclosed the wiring shall be responsible for all costs resulting from uncovering and replacing the cover material.

Statutory Authority:


Published Electronically:

January 21, 2009


Subpart 1.

Final inspection.

Installers of electrical wiring shall schedule a final inspection or otherwise notify the electrical inspector that the work associated with a specific request for inspection certificate is completed prior to the wiring being utilized by the intended user and the associated space being occupied.

Subp. 2.


Request for inspection certificates on installations with inspection fees of $250 or less are void 12 months from the original filing date regardless of whether the wiring is completed. A new request for inspection certificate shall be filed on all unfinished work when the work is not completed within 12 months from the filing date of the original request for inspection certificate. An inspection fee calculated according to Minnesota Statutes, section 326B.37, for all unfinished work shall be submitted with the new request for inspection certificate. Request for inspection certificate inspection fees of $250 or less are not refundable after 12 months from the original filing date.

Subp. 3.


The authority to install electrical wiring associated with a specific request for inspection certificate is void at the time of a final inspection or expiration, whichever occurs first. The board's authority to inspect wiring covered by a request for inspection certificate continues until the installation is approved at a final inspection.