Pronoun Worksheet For Class 6 With Answers

pronoun worksheet for class 6 featured

Note – In the above sentence, He is used in place of Rohit.

Pronoun Worksheet For Class 6 Questions


  1. The chair is brown. (It/He)
  2. My mother is a teacher. (She/He)
  3. The bell is ringing. (It/They)
  4. The three boys are flying kites. (They/It)
  5. The mobile is ringing. (It/They)
  6. Mohan and I are going to a birthday party. (They/We)
  7. Sarla likes to dance. (He/She)
  8. The lion is the king of the jungle. (He/It)
  9. The gentleman is my neighbour. (He/She)

Complete the following sentences using suitable pronoun

  1. The girls are playing in the garden. …………. look very happy.
    a. They
    b. She
    c. We
  2. The boys are making a lot of noise. Please ask …………. to be quiet.
    a. They
    b. Them
    c. Him
  3. Where is Rohan? I haven’t seen …………. in several days.
    a. He
    b. Him
    c. Them
  4. Raju complained to the teacher. …………. bicycle has been stolen.
    a. His
    b. He
    c. Him
  5. My neighbours are some students. …………. are very noisy.
    a. They
    b. Their
    c. Them
  6. I have invited all of …………. friends but none of …………. turned up.
    a. My, Them
    b. Me, They
    c. My, They
  7. I have never met james and I don’t know ………….
    a. He
    b. Him
    c. His
  8. …………. are going to movies. Do you want to come with ………….?
    a. We, Us
    b. We, We
    c. We, Them
  9. Susie is a nice girl. Everyone likes ………….
    a. Him
    b. Her
    c. He
  10. My daughters enjoy watching cartoon films. This CD is for ………….
    a. She
    b. Her
    c. Them

Choose the correct reciprocal pronoun to fill the blank

  1. Dan and I waved hello to ………….
  2. The students talked to ………….
  3. The two boys threw the ball back and forth to ………….
  4. They love …………. very much.
  5. Both of my friends hate ………….
  6. Many prisoners were fighting with ………….
  7. My both friends worked hard for the exam against ………….
  8. We gave a hug to …………..
  9. They never believe …………..
  10. Why do gangsters fight …………..
  11. Students were calling ………….. for help.
  12. They were buying clothes to…………..
  13. Why do they never help …………..

Fill in the blanks with a correct indefinite pronoun

  1. …………. is going really well and so I’m really happy.
  2. I know …………. is this company. It’s my first day.
  3. Did you go …………. during this summer?
  4. She doesn’t want …………. to help her.
  5. She loves …………. . She’s really a kind person.
  6. I must have left my keys ………….!
  7. They looked …………. for the money. They looked in all the places in the house.
  8. Would you like …………. to drink?
  9. …………. in the UK has hot weather today. It’s cold all over the country.
  10. …………. unusual happened. It was a very ordinary day.

Complete the following sentences using appropriate personal pronouns. choose your answers from the option given in the brackets.

  1. She is taller than …………. (I/Me)
  2. You are as brilliant a student as …………. is. (he/him)
  3. Who is there? It is …………. (I/me/either could be used here)
  4. They ran as fast as …………. (we/us)
  5. James and …………. are friends. (I/me/either could be used here)
  6. If I were …………., I wouldn’t do this. (him/he/either could be used here)
  7. He is known to my brother and …………. (I/me/either could be used here)
  8. All but ………….had fled. (he/him/either could be used here)
  9. Is this pen …………. (your/your/either could be used here)
  10. …………. coat is this? (whose/who’s/either could be used here)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronouns

  1. I saw a movie today. …………. was very interesting.
  2. Birds build nests in the trees. …………. keep their eggs in the nests.
  3. I like apples. …………. are good for health.
  4. Sunita is a good student. These are …………. books.
  5. This is Ashish. …………. is a shopkeeper.
  6. Kiran and Parul are sisters. …………. study in the same class.
  7. We should protect the forests. …………. are necessary for our lives.
  8. …………. am going for a picnic today.
  9. My friends are coming for my birthday. …………. will enjoy a lot.
  10. This is my pencil. I will give …………. to you to work.
  11. John and Peter are brothers. I know …………. very well and my father likes …………. very much.
  12. This book has many interesting pictures and stories. I like …………. very much.
  13. The woman gave sweet to the children, but …………. don’t thank ………….
  14. The teacher said, ‘John, you’re a naughty boy. …………. don’t obey ………….’
  15. The boys were late so the teacher scolded ………….
  16. We have a good teacher. …………. advised …………. to work harder.
  17. My father told my mother, ‘I want …………. to take these jewels and put …………. in a box. When …………. have done that come and see …………. and …………. will tell …………. why…………. don’t want …………. to keep …………. in that box.

Read each sentence and underline the pronoun

  1. Joseph was busy and could not get it for me.
  2. My mom, who is a nurse, works long hours.
  3. Did you see her climb the tree?
  4. Has anyone seen a pink baseball cap?
  5. The student in the red shirt is slightly taller than you.
  6. These are the seeds that the gardener will plant.
  7. Do not touch anything on the top shelf.
  8. They were not sure if the school was north or south of the library.
  9. Bessie is the girl whose dog got loose.
  10. Everyone was tired after the long day of work.

Fill in the following sentences with suitable demonstrative pronoun (this, these, that, those)

  1. …………. is my favourite song.
  2. You can use any of …………. five computers.
  3. …………. book belong to Mohan.
  4. …………. cookies are very tasty.
  5. …………. flowers are beautiful.
  6. Who is …………. person over there?
  7. …………. apple are delicious.
  8. …………. glass is going to fall.
  9. …………. spiders look dangerous.
  10. Look at …………. dogs! They are so cute.
  11. Look at …………. newspaper here.
  12. …………. are my grandparents, and …………. people over there are my friend’s grandparents.
  13. …………. is my mobile phone here and …………. is your mobile phone on the shelf over there.
  14. …………. photos here are much better than …………. photos on the book.
  15. …………. was a great evening.
  16. Are …………. your pencils.
  17. …………. bottle over there is empty.
  18. …………. bricks over there are for your chimney.
  19. John, take …………. folder and put it on the desk over there.

Pronoun Worksheet for Class 6 Solutions

  1. Use the correct pronoun for the following underlined words.
  1. The chair is brown. (It/He)
    It is brown. (It/He)
  2. My mother is a teacher. (She/He)
    She is a teacher. (She/He)
  3. The bell is ringing. (It/They)
    It is ringing. (It/They)
  4. The three boys are flying kites. (They/It)
    They are flying kites. (They/It)
  5. The mobile is ringing. (It/They)
    It is ringing. (It/They)
  6. Mohan and I are going to a birthday party. (They/We)
    We are going to a birthday party. (They/We)
  7. Sarla likes to dance. (He/She)
    She likes to dance. (He/She)
  8. The lion is the king of the jungle. (He/It)
    It is the king of the jungle. (He/It)
  9. The gentleman is my neighbour. (He/She)
    He is my neighbour. (He/She)
  1. Complete the following sentences using suitable pronoun
  1. The girls are playing in the garden. They look very happy.
    a. They
    b. She
    c. We
  2. The boys are making a lot of noise. Please ask them to be quiet.
    a. They
    b. Them
    c. Him
  3. Where is Rohan? I haven’t seen Him in several days.
    a. He
    b. Him
    c. Them
  4. Raju complained to the teacher. His bicycle has been stolen.
    a. His
    b. He
    c. Him
  5. My neighbours are some students. They are very noisy.
    a. They
    b. Their
    c. Them
  6. I have invited all of my friends but none of them turned up.
    a. My, Them
    b. Me, They
    c. My, They
  7. I have never met james and I don’t know him .
    a. He
    b. Him
    c. His
  8. We are going to movies. Do you want to come with us ?
    a. We, Us
    b. We, We
    c. We, Them
  9. Susie is a nice girl. Everyone likes her .
    a. Him
    b. Her
    c. He
  10. My daughters enjoy watching cartoon films. This CD is for them .
    a. She
    b. Her
    c. Them
  1. Choose the correct reciprocal pronoun to fill the blank
  1. Dan and I waved hello to each other .
  2. The students talked to one another .
  3. The two boys threw the ball back and forth to each other .
  4. They love each other very much.
  5. Both of my friends hate each other .
  6. Many prisoners were fighting with one another .
  7. My both friends worked hard for exam against each other .
  8. We gave a hug to each other .
  9. They never believe each other .
  10. Why gansters fight one another .
  11. Students were calling each other for help.
  12. They were buying clothes to one another .
  13. Why they never help each other .
  1. Fill in the blanks with correct indefinite pronoun
  1. Everything is going really well and so I’m really happy.
  2. I know nobody is this company. It’s my first day.
  3. Did you go anywhere during this summer?
  4. She doesn’t want anybody to help her.
  5. She loves everybody . She’s really a kind person.
  6. I must have left my keys somewhere !
  7. They looked everywhere for the money. They looked in all the places in the house.
  8. Would you like something to drink?
  9. Nowhere in the UK has hot weather today. It’s cold all over the country.
  10. Nothing unusual happened. It was a very ordinary day.
  1. Complete the following sentences using appropriate personal pronouns. choose your answers from the option given in the brackets.
  1. She is taller than me . (I/Me)
  2. You are as brilliant a student as he is. (he/him)
  3. Who is there? It is me/I (I/me/either could be used here)
  4. They ran as fast as us (we/us)
  5. James and I are friends. (I/me/either could be used here)
  6. If I were him , I wouldn’t do this. (him/he/either could be used here)
  7. He is known to my brother and me (I/me/either could be used here)
  8. All but him had fled. (he/him/either could be used here)
  9. Is this pen yours (your/your/either could be used here)
  10. Whose coat is this?
  1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronouns
  1. I saw a movie today. It was very interesting.
  2. Birds build nests in the trees. They keep their eggs in the nests.
  3. I like apples. They are good for health.
  4. Sunita is a good student. These are her books.
  5. This is Ashish. He is a shopkeeper.
  6. Kiran and Parul are sisters. They study in the same class.
  7. We should protect the forests. They are necessary for our lives.
  8. I am going for a picnic today.
  9. My friends are coming for my birthday. We will enjoy a lot.
  10. This is my pencil. I will give it to you to work.
  11. John and Peter are brothers. I know them very well and my father likes them very much.
  12. This book has many interesting pictures and stories. I like it very much.
  13. The woman gave sweet to the children, but they don’t thank her .
  14. The teacher said, ‘John, you’re a naughty boy. You don’t obey me
  15. The boys were late so the teacher scolded them .
  16. We have a good teacher. She advised us to work harder.
  17. My father told my mother, ‘I want you to take these jewels and put them in a box. When you have done that come and see me and I will tell you why I don’t want you to keep them in that box.
  1. Read each sentence and underline the pronoun
  1. Joseph was busy and could not get it for me .
  2. My mom, who is a nurse, works long hours.
  3. Did you see her climb the tree?
  4. Has anyone seen a pink baseball cap?
  5. The student in the red shirt is slightly taller than you .
  6. These are the seeds that the gardener will plant.
  7. Do not touch anything on the top shelf.
  8. They were not sure if the school was north or south of the library.
  9. Bessie is the girl whose dog got loose.
  10. Everyone was tired after the long day of work.
  1. Fill in the following sentences with suitable demonstrative pronoun (this, these, that, those)
  1. This is my favourite song.
  2. You can use any of these five computers.
  3. This book belong to Mohan.
  4. These cookies are very tasty.
  5. These flowers are beautiful.
  6. Who is that person over there?
  7. Those apple are delicious.
  8. That glass is going to fall.
  9. Those spiders look dangerous.
  10. Look at those dogs! They are so cute.
  11. Look at this newspaper here.
  12. These are my grandparents, and those people over there are my friend’s grandparents.
  13. This is my mobile phone here and that is your mobile phone on the shelf over there.
  14. These photos here are much better than those photos on the book.
  15. This was a great evening.
  16. Are these your pencils.
  17. That bottle over there is empty.
  18. Those bricks over there are for your chimney.
  19. John, take this folder and put it on the desk over there.